
Remy Franck

Heute ist Lipinski kaum noch bekannt, und so ist denn diese CD auch eine richtige Entdeckung. Nicht nur das: es ist eine überaus wertvolle Entdeckung.

Die beiden Streichtrios sind originell komponiert, mit hoch virtuosen Passagen sowie expressiv-lyrischen Momenten. Voytek Proniewicz, Adam Roszkowski und Jan Roszkowski spielen sehr rhetorisch und bringen die Musik Lipinskis wirkungsvoll zur Geltung.

Jozef Lipinski was first a friend and later a rival of Paganini. He was known all over Europe but, unfortunately, his music is nowadays almost forgotten. So, we must welcome these excellent performances and recommend them to everybody who is fond of chamber music.

Pizzicato, October 2018


„Le premier violon, Voytek Proniewicz – Violinist est sensationnel. Son exécution est celle d’un grand virtuose. Il est complètement absorbé dans la musique, très à l’écoute de sa propre sonorité, parfois délicate ou d’une profondeur enivrante. La démesure et le charme. Chaudement recommandé.”

Le Parnasse Musical, September 2018


Jean-Yves Duperron

Voytek Proniewicz – Violinist solo violin, Adam Roszkowski violin, and Jan Roszkowski cello, join together here in what seems to be their first encounter as a trio, and project this „new” music flawlessly. From the pointed rhythms of the Finale, Bolero from the Op. 8 to the minuet character of the Andante from the Op. 12, all aspects of this music are given proper weight and expressive detail. And all technical demands are easily dispatched with authority by Voytek Proniewicz. It also goes without saying that Naxos, once again, has gone out on a limb here to offer all of us something other than Mozart to enjoy listening to”

Classical Music Sentinel, August 2018


Maciej Chiżyński

À la fin, on entendra le fameux Nocturne en mi bémol majeur de Chopin. L’ambiance de l’œuvre hésite dans cette prestation, avec Wojciech Proniewicz comme soliste, entre douceur et mélancolie. La sonorité de son violon pourrait être un peu plus dense, toutefois on se contentera de sa musicalité, mettant en valeur la beauté et la limpidité de la composition., March 2016


Pedro González Mira

…Todo eso es este disco, con música que me atrevo a calificar de absolutamente desconocida y que, gracias a la labor divulgativa de un sello tan singular para estas cosas como Naxos, podemos conocer. Pero como las cosas por esa Casa se suelen rematar con buena torería, los intérpretes escogidos constituyen la siguiente sorpresa: buenísimo el violinista Voytek Proniewicz, nombre que además de impronunciable desconocía hasta este momento, y espléndido el pianista Wojciech Waleczek, cuyas particellas, como no podía ser de otra manera, son magníficas, llenas de vitalidad y soberbia musicalidad. En fin, un estupendo disco que además por precio es muy comprable. © 2015 Ritmo

Ritmo, October 2015


Edward Bhesania

…Proniewicz’s high-lying harmonics in the fourth movement are both floated and secure. The single-movement Grand duo concertant, closing the disc, is a paraphrase on a popular romance: Proniewicz’s lyrical gift comes into play here, with plenty of charm. Both players show their mettle in the Tarantella-like variation and its ensuing Animato marziale with playing of clarity and agility. © 2015 The Strad

The Strad, June 2015


Roy Westbrook

…Both these prize-winning Polish performers are very impressive indeed. Voytek Proniewicz has both the big technique and appealing tone for such repertoire. Wojciech Waleczek is a worthy partner – Liszt after all is unlikely to provide straightforward piano parts. Waleczek is certainly up to their more outrageous demands. In the shorter works they exude charm and an easy sense of style, and bring the same commitment to those works as to the larger ones. In the Grand Duo they are formidable, not least in the fourth variation, a tarantella which is a tour de force in such skilful hands. © 2015 MusicWeb International

MusicWeb International, June 2015


Jeremy Nicholas

…Here and in the paraphrase of Liszt’s own setting of Lenau’s poem ‘Die drei Zigeuner’ (…) the pinpoint ensemble and dynamic shading of this duo is exemplary.

The relatively small amount of chamber music that Liszt did write turns up infrequently on disc. This one, with its two fine protagonists, might encourage others to explore these gems from his seemingly bottomless treasure chest. © 2015 Gramophone

Gramophone, May 2015


Robert Cummings

… Speaking of those two players, they consistently turn in splendid work here and in all the music on this disc. I’m not familiar with the careers of either violinist Voytek Proniewicz or pianist Wojciech Waleczek, but both certainly have the full measure of this music in hand. They completely grasp the multi-faceted nature of Liszt, from his folk-oriented side to his fiery Romantic character and onto to his somber introspective side. Their broad range of dynamics, subtle sense for mood, instrumental balancing, and technical skills are all first rate. © 2015 Classical Net

Classical Net, February 2015


Jean-Luc Caron

Toutes ces pièces montrent une musique volubile, extravertie, colorée et un tant soit peu bavarde. Les deux musiciens retenus pour cette défense s’avèrent excellents grâce à leurs phrasés souples et leurs sonorités franches associés à un flux très assuré. A conseiller dans l’optique de compléter une approche plus fouillée du personnage central du mouvement romantique européen. © 2015, February 2015


Jan Brachmann

…als ritterlichen Mut. Den beweisen hier auch der Geiger Voytek Proniewicz und der Pianist Wojciech Waleczek, die mit Kraft, Schneid und Süße eine ganze Reihe von Liszts Stücken für Klavier und Violine gemeistert haben. Neben der polnischen Sonate macht dabei die Ballade „Die drei Zigeuner” nach dem Gedicht von Nikolaus Lenau den stärksten Eindruck – eine freie Fantasie über Lebenslust, Zeitverschwendung, souveräne Weltverachtung. © 2015 Berliner Zeitung

Berliner Zeitung, Januar 2015


Dorota Szwarcman

Utworów na skrzypce i fortepian, i w ogóle kameralistyki, jest w twórczości Liszta stosunkowo niewiele – z jednej strony pociągał go przede wszystkim instrument, z którym był najbardziej związany, czyli fortepian, z drugiej orkiestra. Dlatego też podobny zestaw utworów jak na płycie dwóch Wojciechów zwykle się w innych wykonaniach powtarza. Trzeba jednak powiedzieć, że polscy muzycy znakomicie się sprawdzają zarówno w tych czysto popisowych, jak i tych służących refleksji utworach. Z przyjemnością słuchałam tej płyty. © 2015 Blog POLITYKI Co w duszy gra

Blog POLITYKI Co w duszy gra, styczeń 2015


Philip R Buttall

…the superb quality of the playing, instrumental balance, real flair for, and affinity with the music itself would make it a desirable addition to any collection. Couple this with Naxos’s first-rate recording and budget price, and it surely makes it irresistible, whether you’re interested in expanding your knowledge of Liszt’s chamber-music output, or you’re just a fan of the ever-popular combination of violin and piano. Very good listening, either way. © 2015 MusicWeb International

MusicWeb International, January 2015


Remy Franck

From the small catalogue of Franz Liszt’s chamber music Voytek Proniewicz and Wojciech Waleczek play all major works for violin and piano. In their expressive and passionate performances, the dialogue is spontaneous and the balance between the violin and the piano is just perfect. © 2015 Pizzicato

Entsprechend brillant und virtuos ist das Werk, das Vyotek Proniewicz und Wojciech Waleczek mit drängender Kraft und enorm viel Spontaneität spielen. © 2015 Pizzicato

Pizzicato, January 2015


Robert Benson

Performances are expert, and have been well recorded. © 2015, January 2015


Lance G Hill

(…) Over the years I have collected as much of Liszt’s chamber music as I could find. I am continually fascinated by the genius of the great Hungarian. The present recital is one of the most astounding and well recorded of any I have ever heard. Not knowing either the violinist or pianist, this co-artist pairing is incomparable. The balance between the violin and piano is exceptional, vivid, clear, and staggering. No doubt the acoustics Witold Lutoslawski Concert Studio of the Polish Radio in Warsaw added substantially to the quality of this recording. After hearing the over 70-minute disc, I was clammoring for more. Having visited Poland a couple of years ago, particularly Warsaw, I want to go back! © 2015 The Classical Music Guide

The Classical Music Guide, December 2014
